Sunday, December 28, 2008

Response essay #7 of "Why Fear National ID Cards?" by Alan Dershowitz

Why Fear National ID Cards?
Alan Dershowitz, a self proclaimed civil libertarian, takes a radically non-libertarian stance on the National ID card in his essay.-Why Fear National ID Cards? The essay’s introduction brings readers attention to the modern technology that has made life for travelers easier who use toll booths. His argument begins to center on sacrificing anonymity for security; however by the end of his writing his argument changes to the issue of Americans’ obligation to give up liberty for that security.

The purpose of Mr. Dershowitz’s essay is clearly to persuade and almost mock the citizens not in favor of the National ID card. The trading-privacy-for-convenience argument that he used does not carry the same weight as the real issue at hand. He and others may be comfortable with being totally transparent with their lives but many others are not. To buy a service and tool that would allow drivers to pass through toll booths quickly is a choice that can be accepted or denied by the patron. However, the choice to accept or reject a National ID would be denied if it were to become mandatory. This is a point that he neglects to mention and weakens his argument for me. His attempt to address the possible objections fell with only non-answers such as: Question-“What about fears of identity cards leading to more intrusive measures?” Answer- “We already require photo IDs for many activities, including flying, driving, drinking, and check-cashing.” Doesn’t this National ID card come in the form of “more intrusive measures?” He fails to ask the question if there is anything wrong with giving licenses for those things that he holds up as identification that “we” have accepted. Thinking like Alan Dershowitz does not actually solve problems. I think that his fear of terrorism has blinded him to what he should really fear, and sacrificing his liberty is a symptom of it. His ideas are not uncommon and I fear a change in America unlike any that we have seen before. The people are ready to sacrifice all but there pleasures to be safe.

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